Patient Participation Group

Cleobury Patients Voice

Would you like to work together with us at Cleobury Mortimer Medical Centre to improve services, fundraise and increase awareness of health and social issues?

We are a group who provide a valuable insight into the views, thoughts and concerns of our patients. There will be regular meetings to discuss issues and concerns that may affect you and other patients.

We weclome and encourage new members, if you would like to join the Patients Voice, please click on the image to the right to download an application form. Alternatively, you can collect a form from our reception team at Cleobury Mortimer Medical Centre.

For further information regarding our patient group, please contact Kim Murrells on

What does the Patients Voice do?

  • Helps to improve patients overall experience of the practice.
  • Helps the practice to decide on service priorities.
  • Helps bring to attention the pracitce perspective of the level and standard of services provided.
  • Acts as a channel in communicating to patients on how changes in the NHS will affect service provision and information on the help available, including support groups.