Community Car Scheme
Community Car Scheme 01299 666119
The service is mainly for appointments at the Medical Centre and Hospitals but also opticians and sometimes for visits to in-patients. Any other requests for transport, for example to coach station, will only be considered if drivers are available and willing to take the drive.
We are very fortunate that Mandy and Iain Smith, despite being busy people, are willing to take this on this vital community role as co-ordinators.
Booking requests to the medical centre (01299 270 209) must be made a week in advance, emergencies cannot be handled. Anything under one week should be directed to 01299 666119.
For booking changes, charges (there is a small fee to cover the cost of petrol) or queries, please leave a message and Mandy will get back to you as soon as possible.

Hospital Transport for Shropshire Patients
If you require non urgent transport, this could be for a routine appointment at ANY hospital you can arrange this by calling - 0330 0535695 or follow the link below for more information: