Two Week Wait Referral System
Explaining the Urgent Two Week Wait System
Why have I been referred to hospital?
Your GP has asked for you to have an urgent hospital appointment within two weeks. Depending on your symptoms, this appointment may be to attend an outpatient clinic, a diagnostic test (such as an x-ray, CT/MRI scan, or endoscopy) or a combination of these tests.
The two week appointment system was introduced so that any patient with symptoms that might indicate cancer, or for patients who have breast symptoms where cancer is not suspected will be seen by a specialist as quickly as possible.
Attending the appointment within two weeks is extremely important and will allow you to benefit from:
- In most cases, early reassurance that cancer has not been diagnosed, or
- An early diagnosis and earlier access to treatment, which is shown to improve health outcomes.

Common Questions Asked
Does this mean I have cancer?
No not necessarily, the majority of the patients referred under the two week appointment system do not have cancer but may have another condition requiring hospital diagnosis and treatment.
Will I need any tests?
You may require specialist tests. These may take place either before, or during your first hospital appointment, or may be organised for a later date. This will help the specialist understand the cause of your symptoms.
What do I need to do now?
- Please take the earliest appointment offered to you. This includes your first appointment and any further tests or investigations. This helps us develop a treatment plan more quickly and in most cases exclude cancer.
- Make sure the GP has your correct address and telephone number, including mobile number.
- If you do not have a confirmed appointment within one week of seeing your GP, contact the reception team on 01299 270209.
- Please try not to cancel your appointment. Let the hospital know immediately if you are unable to attend your appointment, so that the time can be offered to soemone else. It is really important that you arrange an alternative date and time as soon as possible if cancelling.
- Please feel free to take someone with you to this appointment. They can go in with you to see the Doctor if you wish.
- If you require an interpreter, please inform the hospital in advance.
- At the end of your hospital appointment you will be given information about what will happen next. This may include details of a specialist nurse.

Important Information
It is important to attend your urgent appointment within two weeks, because early diagnosis and early access to treatment are shown to improve health outcomes.
Remember that being referred to the specialist does not necessarily mean that you have cancer.