Clinics We Offer

Anti-coagulation Services
If you are on anti-coagulation treatment we offer an on-site diagnostic service where your blood is monitored on the premises and does not have to be sent way to a lab for testing. Our patients and clinicians value this service as it provides a quick, accurate and easy way to look after our patients.

Antenatal Clinic
Patients are seen by the midwife by appointment, the midwife clinics are held at the surgery on a Thursday afternoon. You can also be seen by the doctors during surgery hours.
The receptionists can book these appointments for you.

Cervical Smears
All women between 25 and 65 are welcome to have a cervical smear. It is recommended that you have this done every 3 years under the age of 50 and 5 years over the age of 50. The practice nurse performs these unless otherwise requested. To book an appointment please contact our receptionists. These are done in routine surgeries

Child Health
6-8 week Surveillance checks are carried out by Dr Thompson and Dr Lyne. Appointments are sent automatically.
Childhood Immunisations - we recommend that all children and babies are immunised. When immunisations are due you will be sent an automatic appointment. If you have recently moved to the area or missed an appt please make one in this clinic.

Contraception & Family Planning
We are pleased announce that we offer a full range of family planning and contraceptive clinics. Please ask one of our receptionists for details. You do not need to be a patient of ours to book an appointment. You will need to register with us on a temporary basis which is a simple process. The first consultation is by telephone where the doctor will discuss contraceptive options with you and a further appointment for you to addend the clinic will be made.
All the doctors provide a full range of contraceptive services and advice in routine surgery. Dr Lyne fit coils and caps and implants. We also provide an emergency contraceptive service.

CHD - Donna Tanswell
We encourage patients with CHD to have regular reviews to check cholesterol, blood pressure patients are advised on diet, lifestyle. These appointments are with Donna Radnor our practice nurse. Appointments are booked via reception.

Diabetes Clinics - Adele McLellan
We recommend that all diabetic patients attend regularly for check-ups. The clinics are run by Adele our practice nurse. At these clinics we check your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, diet and medication. You will need to book a week before for your blood tests. To book an appointment contact the receptionists and they will book you into one of Adele’s surgeries. Appointments are 20 minutes.

Flu Clinic - September onwards
Flu injections are available from September. We run dedicated clinics during October. We recommend these for all at risk patients (e.g. diabetics, heart problems, some asthematics and renal patients plus anyone who is immuno compromised) and for patients over the age of 65. Please contact the surgery from August to book an appointment.

Hypertension - appointments by request
We encourage all our patients with high blood pressure to attend regularly for monitoring. We now have a blood pressure monitor within the surgery which produces your blood pressure result on a piece of paper. Please bring three readings to reception and depending on the result, the receptionist will help you with the next step.

Leg Ulcers/Dressings - appointments by request
In these clinics the nurses treat and change the dressings on your leg ulcers. They will also provide advice on treatment and prevention. The nurses book these appointments themselves.

Minor Surgery Clinic
Many minor surgical procedures are offered by the practice and we run a fortnightly minor surgery clinic. You will need to book an ordinary appointment with the doctor first. We also provide cryotherapy on a Monday afternoon for removal of warts and verrucae this is run by Adele our nurse but again you need to see a doctor before you can book into one of these clinics.

NHS Health Check
This is an opportunity for women and men over 40 to discuss matters concerning their general health, diet, nutrition, exercise. A cholesterol blood test, blood pressure and urine examinations are done. Lifestyle questions will also be asked during the consultation.
The surgery will contact you when you are due for this review.

Respiratory Clinic
Patients with respiratory disease are encouraged to have regular checks. These appointments give patients an opportunity to a have a breathing test, check their inhaler technique and discuss their condition. The clinics are run by our practice nurse Donna. You can book an appointment throughout the week.
Our recall system has recently been reviewed, you will be contacted for your review and your review will be due the month of your birthday.

Rheumatology Services
Dr Thompson is a specialist in Rheumatology and if you are a patient at our surgery you can often be seen by Dr Thompson here instead of having to travel to Kidderminster or Shropshire Clinics.

Well Baby Clinic
The health visitor is available for weighing and giving general advice to parents about their babies and pre-school children. You will need to make an appointment for this clinic by contacting the Health Visitor. She can be contacted on 0333 358 3654.
The health visitor holds a clinic at the surgery on a Wednesday afternoon.